Hold their meetings every 2nd Tuesday in the month, the minute of which will be posted on the site.
They provide a soup lunch at cannon beausang room.
Every Thursday after 10am Mass the J&P group provide an opportunity for pensioners to meet for coffee, tea and a soup lunch. There is plenty of bread and butter and a slice of cake afterwards.
All visitors are welcome to take part in the raffle for the princely sum of £1.00, the money is split 50% to charity and 50% towards providing a trip for the pensioners.
The bread and pastries are given to us by Sainsburys’ North Cheam, to whom we are very grateful for their ongoing contribution.
Flower Arranging
All flower arranging within the church is carried out by volunteers from the parish. The church provides a small financial allowance towards the flowers and other necessary items.
Kairos is a Community Trust who support homeless men and women with drug and alcohol problems. The church has supported this trust for a number of years, by collecting non-perishable food stuffs which are then collected by Kairos and distributed to those in need.
If you would like to help then there is a box at the rear of the church where donations can be left.
If you would like to know more about them please visit their website by using the link below:
St Cecilias Catholic Church